
RE:VIEW (quality of 10)

Brasil, Fazenda Rainha, pulped natural Arabica

Country of origin: Brasil

Roasting profile: Medium

Beans: Bourbon

This plantation is located at 1200-1400m altitude, on the border of Minas Gerais region and has all the features of the mountainuos weather of the region of Mogiana, with heavy rainfall and average temperatures of 19C. Ideal conditions for coffee growing, and the position on which commands that everything is done manually since the approach to mechanization is not possible. The cherries are hand picked and put on the bed sheets to avoid that coffees touch the ground and that the fermantation process start. Immediately after the harvest, the coffee is transferred into the processing part where the cherries are washed, and after the selection of coffees, and dividing the dry beans from all the rest, the beans are transferred to the drying beds. The rest of the cherries are sent further to processing, where only the ripen cherries are processed an on that way are divided from the green cherries. Coffees are dried until humidity is 20% and after that it is sent to the drying machines until it is 11% humid. This process is called „pulped natural“ and it contributes in great content to keep all the characteristics of the bean and rich, complex, intense pallete of flavours and sweetness of chocolate, cocoa and caramel. We recommend it for all the preparations, depending on roast profile and corseness of the grind.

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