
RE:CHARGE (intensity of 9)

India Kaapi Royale, Robusta

Country of origin: India

Roasting profile: Medium

Beans: Parchment AB

India grows all its coffees in the shade, and on plantations you cna find around 50 different types of trees which is used for shading of the coffee plants. These trees keeps the soil from erosion as well, enrich the plants with the nutritive elements from deep layers of soil, and protect the plant from the seasonal changes in weather. Beans are hard, round with pointed Coffees grown in India are typically low in acidity, full bodied and stimulative in fragrances.

Taste profile: India Kaapi Royale carries one of the most unusual flavour and tastes in the world of coffee. You can expect the tobacco, almonds, peanuts. Almost no acidity and sweetness covered with spicy fragrances and full body. We recommend it mostly as an addition to espresso blends and house blends for traditional coffee.

Recipe for traditional coffee: 18g-20g kafe fine ground, 100-150ml water; temperture : 100C; time: 3-4 minute Pour the water in the jar, and wait until it boils, then put aside, put the ground coffee, mix, and bring o the heat plate again. Wait until it boils again and the surface is closed with a rich foam of coffee. Then, you should put the coffee aside, wait until the foam drops, and pour into the pre-heated cups. Enjoy!

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