
RE:PLAY (infinity of 8)

El Salvador, Santa Ana, fully washed Arabica

Country of origin: El Salvador

Elevation: 1,400 m above sea level

Beans: Bourbon

Roasting profile: Medium

Plantation is located on the hill slopes of the volcanoe San Salvador, at 1400m above sea level, so that rich, volcanic soil and the mildly cold mountainuos weather, rich in rainfall create the perfect conditions for coffee growing and in large amount define the taste profile of this bean.

Profil ukusa: Very complex coffee, has a great intensity, full body, delicate, fruity acidity of apricot jam, sweetness of caramel and a long, sweet aftertaste at the end. Although the overall production is reduced due to a bad weather conditions, coffees from El Salvador survived and kept their fruity characteristics, with mild grape acidity and sweetness of cocoa and dark chocolate. Great with milk, and ideal for various types of extractions. We recommend it for „vacuum pot” or “moka pot” preparation.

Recipe for „moka pot“: Fill the down part of the oka pot with fresh water, fill the filter with the coarsely groun coffee, such as for espresso, you shouldn’t tamp the coffee, because it packs itself under the pressure of temperature and humidity. Put the filter on to the bowl, fasten the upper part of moka pot and put it on the stove plate. Extraction lasts around 5 minutes on the medium heat. Extraction is finished when all the coffees came through the filter to the upper part of the moka pot. You will be able to esteem the end of extraction by change of the sound in the pot. This way of preparation allows us to get the complex, concentrated coffee, which is thick, intense and reminds on the beverage somewhere in between the espresso and traditional coffee.

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