
RE:FRESH (nature of 2)

Brasil, Fazenda Rainha, pulped natural 80%; Arabica; India Cherry AA, 20%, Robusta

Beans: Bourbon, Cherry

Roasting profile: Medium / dark , coffees are roasted separately and then blended

Taste profile: This blend has its rich and intense flavour, delicate acidity, and very emphacized sweetness of dark chocoalate, bisquite and caramel. It can be used in the ratio that we prepared, and it can be base in which you can add other aromatic coffeess and explore the different tastes and aromas of coffee, and how we can influence that by adding different coffees. In relation to grinding this coffee can be used for traditional coffee preparation, moka pot and espresso preparation. We do recommend it for house blend, traditional coffee of fine, high quality.

Recipe for traditional coffee: 18g-20g kafe fine ground, 100-150ml water; temperture : 100C; time: 3-4 minute Pour the water in the jar, and wait until it boils, then put aside, put the ground coffee, mix, and bring o the heat plate again. Wait until it boils again and the surface is closed with a rich foam of coffee. Then, you should put the coffee aside, wait until the foam drops, and pour into the pre-heated cups. Enjoy!

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